Monday, September 29, 2008

OMG! where's the gas????

it just boggles the mind that we are such crazy people that we talk ourselves into such a mess. the folks in charge are asking people to drive only if they have to, NOT call 911 to find out which stations have gas and not to top off their tanks! commonsense, which we in this country seem to be in short supply of.

keith had a wonderful idea, he suggested that schools could add an extra hour to our day and go to a 4 day school week and save gas by not running the buses. those things take an enormous amount of gas to run. we only have about 12 buses here but atlanta has 100s. think of the gas that would be saved if we took one day off from the buses.

wonder what would happen if this continues? i have a bike and only work about 3 miles from home. i guess i could ride... i just finished a science fiction book about what life would be like if we had been attacked by nuclear bombs. there was no gas, no electricity, no coffee!, no food other than what was available at the stores in canned food, no resupplies of medicine. it really made me think about how much we depend on technology and modern conveniences. how many people these days know how to can food, cook over an open fire, preserve meat? i think of all the things we take for granted that make our life so easy. with that in mind i am going to learn how to can food, and i am going to make my garden bigger and better next year. it really made me think about things.

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