Friday, August 7, 2009

movin' on up

well i finally made it to middle school! i had been thinking and praying about this for about 3 years. last year i was asked to attend a meeting with some other teachers and our assistant school superintendent. they had 2 openings at the middle school and wanted to know if any of us was interested in moving. i immediately raised my hand. she asked us to think about it but i told her i had already thought and prayed about it. i had an interview at the middle school and was hired.

now the really neat part about this was that i felt led to take the praxis test last summer to be certified for middle school. i took the language arts and reading tests. i passed the reading test although at the time i would have preferred to pass the language test and was somewhat disappointed about the results. guess what the position at the middle school was for? reading! God just keeps on amazing me with His plans. i love being at the middle school and am so happy that God allowed me this opportunity!


Nathan said...

I have to pick on you just a little. It's probably a good thing you didn't get the writing:
"...and wanted to know if any of us was interested in moving."
Shouldn't that be "if any of us were"?
Glad you're happy!

keyofdjonz said...

yep, i must be slipping! i am soooo tired!sevigny1