what a wonderful day! we had a good service at church and then went to jim and bonnie's for a combination b'day and Easter lunch. bj called and nathan called to have brenna bunny sing happy b'day, a sweet present : ) my daddy and ingrid called to sing happy b'day. my family is amazing! i feel that as long as i have my family i have everything i need. it was also nice to get birthday wishes from friends through facebook.
as funny as it sounds, my favorite gift, after brenna singing happy birthday to me, was from keith, i got a weed eater! it trims and edges and is light weight enough for me to handle. and yes, i did ask for it. he also got me some perfume, sunflower and l'air du temp, 2 of my favorites.
i can't wait to see brenna's easter pictures. i know she was a little doll!