a wonderful easter weekend...
i took friday off b/c daddy and oma came down from virginia for easter and i had a dermatologist appointment. we left at 9 and got to ellijay for breakfast at, where else, starbucks. we got to the doctor's and waited of course. he took one place off for a biopsy and removed 2 other places.
we left from there and went to big pie in the sky for lunch and to see bj. we got home and saw daddy and oma. they rested up from their trip and then came to the house for supper. keith and i made steaks, baked potatoes, salad, corn, ciabatta bread, and homemade pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream for dessert. we also skyped with nathan and brenna so daddy could see why we want them to get a laptop with a webcam. it was fun to see their faces when they got to see and talk to brenna. matt will help them shop for a laptop at the end of april and set up skype and facebook for them. after daddy and oma left for the hotel keith and i stayed up, cleaned, and i made homemade blueberry muffins and egg, sausage, grits, cheese breakfast casserole for saturday brunch at matt and tasha's.
we got up early, for me on a saturday it was early, and met up with daddy and oma and went to matt and tasha's. they have done so many nice things to the house. they added curtains to the living room and guest bedroom. they put tile up around the top of the shower, got a round shower curtain for the front bathroom, put up some nice sayings on the walls in the living room, kitchen, and painted the deck and got some patio furniture and outdoor rug. they also worked on the landscape around the house, all in all, very pretty! we waited for bonnie and jim and jayden to get there. when they arrived we had my casserole, matt and tasha's cheesy grits, biscuits, muffins, fresh fruit, bacon, sausage, coffee, and juice, good eats!
after breakfast we hurried to matt and tasha's church for the easter egg hunt. they had 40,000 eggs for all the kids! they had different divisions, we'll post pictures of jayden soon "hunting" for eggs, quite cute : ) they also had a petting zoo, bouncy sets, about 6 of those, they also had a velcro climbing wall. tasha and i wondered if we could get one of those for our classroom! you will be still and learn because i am velcroing you to the wall today!! LOL
after that everybody sorta scattered. i went with bonnie and jim and jayden to bath and bodyworks, keith went to matt and tasha's to help put up a fan in their computer room, and daddy and oma went back to the hotel. bonnie and jim took me on home after shopping, keith went to the church to open it up and check on everything for the concert tonight. matt and tash got to the house and we met keith and oma and daddy at the restaurant for dinner at around 5:15. keith and matt and tasha and i left and got to church at 6:30 which is when the concert started! i literally ran in the back door jerked my jacket off, put my music on the piano as the band played the first opening measures of the first song we were doing and i jumped in! i don't know if i've ever cut it that short before, ha-ha
the concert raised $489 for the mission trip,ptl! well before dinner oma realized they were losing pressure in one of their tires and sure enough it was going flat. thankfully it stayed ok til they got to church and after the concert we took it to chad's, god bless that good man, who found the leak and repaired the tire. we then left and went and i showed them my classroom. we met up with matt and tasha at the motel so i could ride with them to the house b/c keith was having dinner with the watkins' family who performed tonight. we are fixing to go to bed because it has been a long but happy day.
tomorrow we have a wonderful service in the morning that i don't have to be to church early for! matt and tasha and bj spent the night tonight and we'll all go to church together in the morning but since the watkins' family is here i don't have to plan the music for tomorrow's service. all i have to do is play the prelude, offeratory and postlude for which i have practiced all week. after service tomorrow daddy is taking everybody to longhorn's and matt and tasha will go home from there as will daddy and oma.
a busy but wonderful easter!!